Buy a Board


Built at the start of World War II, the Evans Fire Station has fared pretty well, especially considering at the time of its construction it was designed as a temporary building to last only “a few years”. Here we are some 80 years later and the building is still pretty solid.

A critical aspect of furthering our mission is ensuring that our building is weathertight. Much of the wood siding is in need of repair, with some areas having completely deteriorated from water damage. We ask that you please consider supporting our “Buy a Board” fundraising campaign, which will provide the necessary funding to further protect our fire station. Your donation of just $40 will go towards the purchase of similar style wood siding planks (in accordance with the historic structure regulations) that will replace those planks which are beyond repair. 

Those who “buy a board” will have their names displayed within our museum as part of our campaign. 

Please help us move our museum one step closer to opening day! Your donation is greatly appreciated.

Buy a Board – $40

Buy a Roof Shingle – $75

Buy a Windows – $100

Buy a Door – $250

Buy a Wall – $500